About this Event
35 East 12th Street, Holland, MI 49423-3605
ABSTRACT: Contact thermometry and pyrometry have intrinsic limitations when it comes to probing temperature fields in hard-to-reach environments such biological tissues, gas turbine engines, and turbomachinery. Additionally, they cannot deliver two- and three-dimensional maps of temperature fields with submicrometric spatial resolution. Thermosensitive phosphors, which show a well-defined temperature-dependent luminescence response, are functional materials with the potential to overcome these limitations. In this talk I will present an overview of the three families of thermosensitive phosphors being developed in my research group; these are upconverting mixed-halide nanocrystals, organic– inorganic fluorinated crystals, and group VI metal oxides containing MoO4 –2 and WO4 –2 as building blocks. A common feature of these materials is their chemical and structural diversity in terms of metal coordination and connectivity, which makes them an ideal platform to exercise compositional control over their temperature-dependent luminescence response. I will show that this response can be utilized to achieve ratiometric, lifetime, and bandshift luminescent thermometers operating over a broad temperature range (100–450 K).
BIOGRAPHY: Prof. Federico Rabuffetti is a materials chemist who received his Ph.D. from Northwestern University in 2010, working under the supervision of Profs. Kenneth Poeppelmeier and Peter Stair. Then, he worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Southern California under the direction of Prof. Richard Brutchey. In 2014, he started his independent career at Wayne State University (Detroit, MI) and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2020. His research focuses on the design, synthesis, and crystal-chemistry of inorganic and hybrid thermosensitive light emitters.
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