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Faith & Scholarship Discussion Series

This is a past event.

Thursday, June 29, 2023 8am to 9am

35 East 12th Street, Holland, MI 49423-3605

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Please join us for the Summer 2023 Faith & Scholarship Discussion Series at 8am on Thursdays in SCICTR 1118. Each week a member of the Hope College faculty or staff will lead a discussion about the integration of faith and scholarship in the context of vocation.  Coffee, juice, and bagels will be served, and we will be finished by 9am.

Our Summer 2023 schedule includes the following:
Thursday, May 25 Ryan McFall (Computer Science)
Thursday, June 1 Courtney Brewster (Philanthropy)
Thursday, June 8 Shannon Schans (Boerigter)
Thursday, June 15 Attend Hope’s Saga Over 20 years Conference
Thursday, June 22 Kasey Stevens (Integrative Learning/Phelps Scholars)
Thursday, June 29 Tom Sura (College Writing/English)

The Faith & Scholarship Discussion Series is part of a vision for Hope College as a community of faithful Christian scholars. In order to build this, we—faculty, staff, and students—need to meet with one another in fellowship to discuss how the breadth of meaning inherent in terms like “faith” and “scholarship” creates a depth of their possible integration. We are not chairing the discussion of faith, scholarship, and vocation here at Hope College—no one is. The point is neither to impose a particular view nor to require anyone to learn, teach, research, or serve a certain way. If there is a reason for the discussion, it is to help build a community of Christian scholars faithful to the mission of integrating the life of the mind and of the spirit, a community whose members are comfortably vulnerable about how they define and live out these terms and their relationship to one another, and a community that enacts and models the virtues of civil discourse for all to see.


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