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Physics Seminar: Dr. Emily Lichko

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Friday, April 23, 2021 3pm

Image of Physics Seminar:  Dr. Emily Lichko

"Magnetic Pumping Model for Energizing Superthermal Particles Applied to Observations of the Earth’s Bow Shock” by Dr. Emily Lichko
Energetic particle generation is an important component of a variety of astrophysical systems, from seed particle generation in shocks to the heating of the solar wind. It has been shown that magnetic pumping is an efficient mechanism for heating thermal particles, using the largest-scale magnetic fluctuations. Here we show that when magnetic pumping is extended to a spatially-varying magnetic flux tube, magnetic trapping of superthermal particles renders pumping an effective energization method for particles moving faster than the speed of the waves and naturally generates power-law distributions. We validated the theory by spacecraft observations of the strong, compressional magnetic fluctuations near the Earth’s bow shock from the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission. Given the ubiquity of magnetic fluctuations in different astrophysical systems, this mechanism has the potential to be transformative to our understanding of how the most energetic particles in the universe are generated.

Lichko, E., Egedal, J. Magnetic pumping model for energizing superthermal particles applied to observations of the Earth's bow shock. Nat Commun 11, 2942 (2020). doi:10.1038/s41467-020-16660-4. 
Dr. Emily Lichko received her B.S. in Physics and Applied Mathematics from the University of Michigan in 2013 and her PhD in 2020 from the University of Wisconsin - Madison, working under the supervision of Professor Jan Egedal. Her research focuses on kinetic plasma physics processes in space and astrophysical plasmas, in particular as they relate to questions of particle heating and nonlinear processes that affect the evolution of collisionless, anisotropic plasmas. Outside of her research, she enjoys swimming, biking, running, and failing to replicate recipes from the Great British Bake Off.

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