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The Sabbath of the Earth: Introducing the Ecology of Fabrice Hadjadj

By Green Hope

This is a past event.

Thursday, November 7, 2024 6:30pm to 8pm

263 College Avenue, Holland, MI 49423-3646

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The Sabbath of the Earth: Introducing the Ecology of Fabrice Hadjadj
Lecture by Dr. Joshua Kraut, Hope College Associate Professor of French, Department of World Languages and Cultures

Event Sponsored by the Hope College Green Team, Religion Department, and the Saint Benedict Institute
Many thinkers have seen the environmental crisis as a symptom of a deeper spiritual crisis, one whose solution is not simply technical. Dr. Joshua Kraut's talk will bring two such figures into dialogue: the well-known American agrarian writer Wendell Berry and the contemporary French philosopher, Fabrice Hadjadj, with a particular focus on the latter.  While Hadjadj writes about a broad variety of topics, including ecology, a central theme in his work is the severing of the material and spiritual worlds typical of the modern age. In developing themes from Hadjadj's essay, "The Sabbath of the Earth," Dr. Kraut will aim to help us reflect as a community on the spiritual underpinnings of ecological destruction -- and renewal. 
  • Peter Boogaart
  • Michele Torres
  • Madeline Kenney
  • Cassie Fay

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